Business Plan – How to Unlock the Treasure Chest in 5 Easy and Magical Steps

Business Plan – How to Unlock the Treasure Chest in 5 Easy and Magical Steps

Are you ready for the thrills of search your retain solitaire chest of gold? Adventure-seekers, what you’ll dearth is a map that’ll backing sway you to the riches. Play the “Show Me the Money Treasure Hunt Game” to map out how you’re going to find the gloss that cede augment your income and unlock your gem chest of gold!

Business Plan – How to Unlock the Treasure Chest in 5 Easy and Magical Steps

Business Plan – How to Unlock the Treasure Chest in 5 Easy and Magical Steps

Do you obtain an income goal in nature that you’d like to obtain over the succeeding 12 months?

Now, believe how many products/services you hold to sell, at what price, on a monthly and yearly motive to obtain your income goal If you’re like most people, at this point, the waters assault to bedaub up and your desire of how you’re going to secure the goal becomes less clear

By playing the “Show Me the Money Treasure Hunt Game”, you’ll pause down a large income goal into feasible chunks. This helps you “get your head around” how you are actually going to accomplish the goal, forging your chances of following much higher.

Here are the 5 viable and *magical* steps to manoeuvre the “money” game:

1. Write down your income goal for the later 12 months

When formulating your income goal, also suppose about your desired lifestyle, capital obligations, as well as how much fiscal you privation to reprocess and invest to build wealth

As an pattern to manoeuvre this game, let’s jell an income goal of $125,000

2. List the products you currently quote for sale, and at what prices

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Simply make a list. When forecasting the revenue for your business, you’ll scarcity to consider each of the different products and services you offer, as well as what fee you are selling them You can stratagem this halting if you keep 1, 3, 5 or 15 products or streams of income!

For our example, let’s believe you instance 4 products and services:

* An e-Book for $37

* A multi-part e-Course for $57

* A workbook and CD set for $197

* 1-on-1 coaching services for $350 per hour

3. Ask yourself, “Can I intensify the prices if these products?”

Playing the capital hobbling is a benefit circumstance to review the prices of your products and services. You certainly don’t deprivation to be leaving cash on the table if your products are as welfare or renovate than competitors’, but you are charging much less money

Check out your competitors’ prices for identical offerings, and “bump up your prices” a morsel (if you can) to expand your income

4. Play the cash game.

Draw 4 columns on a piece pf paper Label them, from left to right:

* Product or Service

* Units to Sell per Month

* Price per Unit

* Annual Product Sales

List each of your products and prices underneath the appropriate headings. Then, cleverly multiply the quantity of products you forecast to sell, times the payment of each product, times 12 months By doing this you “map out” how much you own to sell of each product to gain your income goals.

The prettiness of this crippled is you can experiment with different quantities and prices of products to see what the result cede be on your income; in our example, $125,000

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5. Implement a marketing system

To unlock your treasure chest of gold, playing the “money” halting isn’t all you have to do to magnify your income You’ll further posses to will to implementing a marketing way to fashion wellbeing in your products, and treat traffic to your network site/offline venture so those sales can become achievable

Playing the fiscal lame makes your fantasy of “how” you are going to obtain your income goal tangible. It is moreover a vast tool to cadence your travel on a monthly inducement toward reaching your income goal

Copyright 2008, Bonita L Richter
